Why should you care about our wildlife?

Malawi is The Warm of Heart Africa named because of the warmth of the Malawian people. Malawi is also one of the poorest countries in the world and has one of the fastest growing populations in Africa, placing natural resources under immense pressure. Wildlife crimes – such as the illegal ivory, bush-meat, pet and charcoal trades – impact both wild animal welfare as well as species conservation in Malawi, and also stand as one of the greatest threats to wildlife survival worldwide. 

Between December 2016 to February 2017 we are very excited to join the company of Lilongwe Wildlife Trust, a conservation organistion operating for the benefit of both people and wildlife in Malawi.  Our charity manager and Education officer is thrilled to be joining the education and outreach program to help deliver the Trusts environmental education projects driving awareness about wildlife conservation and protection of the environment.

We will engage with young people, alongside many teachers, researchers, volunteers and advocates all passionate about wildlife and inspiring young people about the natural world.  There is no doubt that we will be learning truly valuable stories from many people. Early in 2017 we aim to return with an enriching persepctive on how wildlife education is achieved and from this experience advocate, inspire and bring the awe of the natural world to many young people here in the UK. This will be a life changing experience.



"It's all about encouraging people to participate and learn about the natural world through hands on discovery."

About WildAid

Established in 1991 as a wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centre, WildAid has been making a difference for wildlife welfare throughout the UK ever since.


The projects run by WildAid depend upon the generosity and kindness of our supporters.



Tel: 07833 248352

Email: info@wildaid.co.uk