Chancefield Hedgehog Rescue

Arriving in the yard at Chancefield Hedgehog Rescue I was greeted by the cheery wave and smiles from Lynda who has been caring for injured and displaced Hedgehogs in the local community for several years.  The family dogs, not very far behind, were very keen to meet me too.  Once licked and jumped on the dogs calmed away as Lynda guided me into a converted out building which is the home of Chancefield Hedgehog Rescue.  I was keen to get involved in holding, cleaning out an enclosure or health checking a Hedgehog.  However Lynda, being super organised, had already stuffed so much straw into the Hedgehogs sleeping quarters i was convinced that i would not see one today.  They were well hunkered down for hibernation.

Lynda showed me around and told me stories about some of the Hedgehogs she had taken in. One Hedgehog had been brought to the rescue after being found in a lady's bedroom after she had taken it in to look after. Dining on 'The Best' the Hedgehog had arrived utterly overweight. So much it couldn't naturally curl up. Lynda was over wintering this hedgehog on a strict nutritionally managed diet. 

Lynda had skillfully managed to support the care of dozens of Hedgehogs through 2022, found safe release sites for them in her local community which left her with 5 Hedgehogs for the winter period.  The support of the local community for any wildlife rescue is ever so valuable.  Lynda explained that she has great support from her vets. This can be a rescuers pot of gold at the end of the rainbow'.  

Lynda aims to purchase heat pads and to extend the number of holding enclosures for Hedgehogs arriving at the rescue. The WildAid community have come together once again in support of the local wildlife heroes. It is you, our supporters, who have enabled the welfare of many Hedgehogs who arrive at Chancefield Hedgehog Rescue.  Thank you for your continued support! 

"It's all about encouraging people to participate and learn about the natural world through hands on discovery."

About WildAid

Established in 1991 as a wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centre, WildAid has been making a difference for wildlife welfare throughout the UK ever since.


The projects run by WildAid depend upon the generosity and kindness of our supporters.



Tel: 07833 248352
