Our Galaxy Hot Chocolate Funding bid

We have recently launched a fundraising profile with the Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund. We have a great chance to be awarded with £300 to deliver more outreach workshops to young people at high school age. This fund is really important for us. We will be able to purchase essential resources so that we can develop the workshops and then deliver them across the community. We hope that it will change many young persons lives as they make choices about their future.

We need your vote to help us get a step closer to this award.  Indulge over a Galaxy Hot Chocolate, have a look, and vote on our support page http://www.galaxyhotchocolate.com/fund/profiles/wildaid-foundation-trust

Thank you from The WildAid team. 




"It's all about encouraging people to participate and learn about the natural world through hands on discovery."

About WildAid

Established in 1991 as a wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centre, WildAid has been making a difference for wildlife welfare throughout the UK ever since.


The projects run by WildAid depend upon the generosity and kindness of our supporters.



Tel: 07833 248352

Email: info@wildaid.co.uk